St. Mary Catholic Church Tipton

Address: 208 Meridian Street, Tipton, Iowa 52772
Office: 563-886-2506

Tipton Mass Schedule

Tuesday at 5:30 PM, Wednesday at 8:30 AM, Friday at 8:30 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM


Women of
St Mary


Knights of


History of St. Mary of Tipton

St. Marys of Tipton goes back to 1856,
when our parish was established
by the Catholic pioneers of our area.
Reverend Philip Laurent was sent out by
Bishop Loras, of Dubuque, to serve the people in Muscatine.
While there, Father Laurent’s missionary zeal
sent him out to the surrounding communities.
By his efforts, our parish in Tipton was begun.
From the first days when Mass was celebrated in private homes, to today’s celebrations in the current structure, built in 1969 by Father Ray Pacha,
local families have gathered to worship and pass on their faith.

The Mission of
St. Mary of Tipton

A Eucharistic community,
guided by the Holy Spirit to grow in and share our faith,
thereby building the Kingdom of God.
Inspired by Jesus Christ,
to find and meet the needs of others,
both locally and throughout the world.
A community of open-minded, patient disciples,
serving God and others by word and action
through faith, hope, and love.
Welcoming to all in our community,
inviting persons of all ages to serve and worship
as part of our family of faith.