St. Mary’s Cemetery
1328 Lemon Ave, Tipton, IA 52772
Directions to St. Marys Cemetery:
From Interstate 80, take Exit 267 onto Route 38 (Moscow Rd) heading north towards Tipton. At the edge of town, turn left (west) onto South Street and continue as it veers southwest. Just past the city cemetery, turn left (south) onto Lemon Ave (gravel road). The cemetery entrance will be on the left.

St. Joseph’s Cemetery
1501 Franklin Road, Gower, IA 52358
Directions to St. Josephs Cemetery:
From Interstate 80, take Exit 259 – Garfield Ave (X40) and head north. After 5-6 miles, you will come to a T, turn left (west) onto 250th Street (gravel road). Take the first right (north) onto Franklin Ave. The cemetery entrance will be on your left.

St Marys Cemetery
Mike Wehde
Please contact
our superintendent
to purchase lots or for more information.
St Marys
Purchase of Lots
Contact Mike Whede
St Josephs Cemetery
Wayne Laing
Please contact
our superintendent
to purchase lots or for more information.
St Joseph
Purchase of Lots
See the cemetery superintendent
for information
about purchasing lots.
ST MARY CEMETERY RULES: In order to provide a clean and a more efficiently maintained facility, the Cemetery Superintendent has authority over the planting of all trees, shrubs and flowers. He also has sole discretion in the removal of any dead, faded or broken tributes left at grave sites.
Thank you for your cooperation!
St. Marys Cemetery History
St. Mary’s Cemetery was conveyed by warranty deed on July 15, 1867 from Christopher & Catherine Graham to Rt. Rev. John Hannassy, Catholic Bishop of Dubuque for the sum of $80.00. Calvin & Ellen Moore on March 29, 1963 for the sum of $1.00 sold another individual portion conveyed to Rt. Rev. Ralph L Hayes, Bishop of the Diocese of Davenport. Mr. Moore retained the right to farm this land rent free until needed for burial sites. In 1955, Harry & Mary Hickey donated the outside altar standing in the south east corner.
Currently, there are four priests and one nun buried in the cemetery. They are Fr. JP Hines, Fr. Ray Pacha, Fr. GA Lillis, Fr. EJ Wilson and Sister Mary Philomena Crock. We are blessed to have had bequests for the perpetual care of the cemetery, as well as other gifts. Linda Miller made a wooden sign identifying the cemetery and after many years of use, it was replaced by a granite sign in memory of Leonard & Eleanor Dice. The tall trees that surround the cemetery were donated by the Ed Kemp family.
—from Stones and Sites of Cedar County, Iowa. Compiled by Earl Howe
ST JOSEPHS CEMETERY RULES: In order to maintain our beautiful country cemetery, the Cemetery Superintendent has authority over the planting of all trees, shrubs and flowers. He also has sole discretion in the removal of any dead, faded or broken tributes left at grave sites.
Thank you for your cooperation!
St. Joseph Cemetery History
Stay tuned for this history coming soon.
—from Stones and Sites of Cedar County, Iowa. Compiled by Earl Howe